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QUESTION: "If you could teach only four off-road driving tips to a new 4WD owner, what would they be?"

Here's how several off-road driving instructors answered that question...


4X4 training provider and off-road tour guide (Gauteng)

1) Engage your brain before you engage 4WD! Off-road driving is NOT instinctive; you need to think about what you are doing.

2) Adjust your tyre pressures for the terrain you're driving, preferably beforehand.

3) Traction determines which gear you should be in and how much momentum is needed.

4) Know your vehicle's strengths and weaknesses. That includes your tyres.

Contact Bernie at bernie@oldmanemu.co.za


4X4 training provider and off-road tour guide (KwaZulu Natal)

1) Know your vehicle's 4WD system, driving aids, and how/when to engage them.

2) Make sure your tyre choice and pressures are suited to the terrain you're tackling. Adjusting your pressures – before driving a specific terrain – will significantly minimise the risk of getting stuck.

3) Ensure your vehicle is lined up with the obstacle you're attempting. Choose your line carefully by keeping the vehicle on the high points as much as possible. Don't fight the vehicle into a position; let it find its own path within reason, and keep your line as straight as possible.

4) Know when to quit. If your vehicle is struggling to overcome an obstacle, stop before things get worse and reassess the situation.

Contact Travis here

Click here to view a range of wheels

and tyres for your vehicle, including prices.


4X4 training provider and off-road tour guide (Western Cape)

1) Know and trust your vehicle. It's essential to know the capabilities, limitations, features and systems of your 4WD.

2) Inspect the track and plan your route through challenging obstacles. Remember to think of your rear wheels, too! If the plan fails: Go back, reassess, and redo it. It's better to do it over than overdo it.

3) The better the traction, the less momentum is needed. Adjust accordingly.

4) Think! Use your knowledge and experience before using your right foot excessively.

Contact Francois here


4X4 training provider, author, and off-road tour guide (Gauteng)

1) Your driving position matters. You should always be comfortably seated and in a position that ensures you are not pulled/pushed from the steering wheel when ascending/descending a slope.

2) Keep your seatbelt on, and your thumbs away from the steering wheel spokes to avoid a possible "kickback" injury.

3) The dynamics of an off-road vehicle are different to a road car in terms of centre-of-gravity and stopping distances. Keep these things in mind and adjust your speed accordingly.

4) A critical off-road skill is the ability to select or "read" a line". A good line allows you to keep all four wheels in contact with the terrain. Knowing how to read a line, coupled with the knowledge of your vehicle, will enhance your off-road experience.

Contact Glyn at gdemmer@mweb.co.za